
    How Did Kakashi Get His Sharingan

    How Did Kakashi Get His Sharingan ?

    How Kakashi got his Sharingan ?
    How did Kakashi Get Sharingan in both Eyes ?

    If you’re seeking answers to any of the above questions, You just came to the Right Place, my Friend.

    Kakashi was one of the most important characters in the entire Naruto series.

    He was once the Student of Minato Namikaze (The Fourth Hokage). He taught Kakashi as if he were his own son.

    Minato knew Kakashi was capable of being his apprentice and to learn everything Minato had to teach.

    Kakashi became Jonin at a very young age, during the Third Great Ninja War.

    As a Fan of Kakashi, everyone is curious about Kakashi’s Sharingan and how he got his Sharingan, this is an undeniable fact!

    We’ll look into How, Why, and When right now.

    Let’s get started with When it happened.

    What Episode Does Kakashi Get his Sharingan ?

    Kakashi got his Sharingan in Episode 120 of Naruto Shippuden.

    Technically, It was not Kakashi who awakened the Sharingan. It was Obito Uchiha who awakened the Sharingan.

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    You might be wondering if Kakashi wasn’t the one to awaken, how did he get his Sharingan.
    Let’s take a look at that!

    How Kakashi Got His Sharingan ?

    Kakashi led his Team to Kanabi Bridge where he had to Destroy it, To knock down Enemies’ Plans.

    Rin Nohara was kidnapped during this Mission. At first, Kakashi didn’t agree with Obito to save Rin.

    After Obito insisted by saying “White Fang (Kakashi’s Father) was a True Hero” (for saving his comrades), Kakashi changed his mind and fixated on helping Obito.

    Obito and Kakashi then went to Rescue her.

    In the process, Obito Awakened his Sharingan when Kakashi got one of his eyes hit by a knife.

    How Did Kakashi Get his Sharingan How Did Kakashi Get his Sharingan 1

    After taking First Aid, They went after Rin’s kidnapper to rescue her. The kidnapper purposefully lured them into a trap, in the cave.

    Kidnapper performed a Jutsu on which the ceiling of the cave fell apart. Obito’s half body got crushed under a boulder.

    Kakashi and Obito managed to rescue Rin. However, it led to Obito’s “supposed” death.

    Before that, He asked Rin to transplant his one Sharingan (which wasn’t crushed by the boulder) to Kakashi as a Gift as it was Kakashi’s Promotion celebration.

    That’s where Kakashi got his Sharingan (originally Obito’s). After that, Kakashi was known by all Five Nations as ”Kakashi of the Sharingan”.

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    But wait ! That’s not all there is to it.

    Kakashi later on got both Sharingans!

    How did Kakashi Get Sharingan in both Eyes?

    Later on in the series, Kakashi got both Sharingan’s of Obito “Temporarily” from his Chakra that reside inside Kakashi due to the presence of Obito’s one Sharingan.

    Those Two Sharingan’s of Obito helped Kakashi to access new features like Creating “Perfect Susanoo”.

    But those were only for a short span of time.

    That sums up everything!

    What do you think was the reason Kakashi agreed to rescue Rin?

    Let’s hear from you in the comments!

    I hope Today’s Post Answered you “How Did Kakashi Get His Sharingan“.

    Your Comments and Sharing Motivates and Encourages us to Answer more of your Questions!
    Thanks For Reading.

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    Ahmad Zubair
    Ahmad Zubair
    Ahmad is a seasoned member of the Naruto tribe who seamlessly shows his love for anime in his writings. He shares intriguing facts and worthwhile reads, all while having a cup of tea. So go on, experience his creations, and immerse yourself in the harmonious blend of storytelling and profound contemplation.

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